Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 2, July 19, 2013

 We started the morning out with the handcarts pointed to the south.
 I love how some of the family flags survived and some did not.
 We gathered in a shady spot to have our morning group meeting.  The Martineau family shared a small fence with Sis. Crowe.  All of the buckets were already packed in the handcarts.
 Seating was a premium.  I see Brimhall/Nall family members as well as West/Low members and Martineau also.  Can you also see Brigham Young?

 Here you can see that we were again singing hymns and songs from our trek journal.  Thank you Bro. and Sis. Hahn.
 Some of the Young women coming from the West/Low handcart.
 This small fence was relatively empty.
 Some raising their voices in song.  Looks like Uncle Hastings is checking on Rachael.

 Our morning visitor was Brigham Young (Bro. Paul Wilman).  He did a fabulous job.  He came in a great costume.  He explained the Mormon Battalion so well to all of us.  He really helped us to know the why and what of the Mormon Battalion.
 Brigham was very animated.  He kept his cane handy and used it to point out different things as he was speaking.  Brigham Young really helped bring the spirit to our 2nd day trek.  He set the ground work for our silent pull when the men would be called from their families.

Sister Chadwick and Bro. Low happy and pleased to be out on the trail again.  You can tell it is morning because neither adult is sweaty YET!!
 Off we go again into the green forest.  This is the Mount family. 

 We entered a trail after a brief rest.  Blisters were taken care of as well as hydration.  Standing in the sun was hot.  It was a relief to go back into the canopy of shade.

 The men are called away from their families.
 President Chadwick talks to the young men about their assignment into the Mormon Battalion and explains the sacrifices that those left behind would face.  The men are thoughtful and attentive..

 Many of the men went back to their families to say good bye.

 President Chadwick then came and spoke to the young women.  He reminded them of what a great example they are to the young men in their lives and will be to their husbands later in life.  He brought the spirit and the young women were humbly listening.  They were strengthened by his words and thoughts running through their heads.
 The Young men lined both sides of the hill to silently support the girls as they struggled. 
 The first handcart comes up the hill.
 2nd handcart is coming up.

 And another one is coming up. 
 The girls and women returned to bring up more carts.

 I was truly amazing to see the diligence and strength of the young women.  Some came back down 3 times to assist all the handcarts.

 Isn't it awesome to see them running to help bring the others up!.

The exertion on Sis. West's face is evident.  This was here third time to help pull everyone in.
 This was the last handcart to come up.  Everyone is exhausted but they still came to the aid of their sisters.

 Getting the last one in place.
 The young men were instructed to not help.  They obediently followed directions.  After securing the handcarts everyone rested in a small open field.  We cooked lunch and enjoyed one an-others company. After lunch and some brief naps, Pres. Chadwick too the youth without their handcarts on a beautiful 2.5 mile hike.  It was gorgeous.
 Once again, back in camp.  The energy level was impressive as they triumphantly returned.

 Some walked their soles off their shoes in true pioneer fashion.  Some things even duct tape wont fix.
 Hunter made it home and then promptly fell asleep to the world.  Nothing bothered him as he rested in the open field and the hot sun.

Things of note for our second day.  The day was just as hot with temperatures about 97*.  We still had intense humidity but a slight breeze every now and then was appreciated. We began the day at 6:00 am.  Breakfast consisted of oatmeal, granola bars, clementines and hot chocolate.  Lunch was prepared after the women's pull.  Most families made potato soup with biscuits.  One family prepared cowboy potatoes instead. The hike with President Chadwick was a much needed reprieve without the handcarts. It felt so easy! For dinner that evening after they returned to camp at 6:30 pm we had our feast.  Sis. Studer of the Stake prepared all the hams. Each family then prepared their own potatoes or soup and Peach cobbler.  After the meals were prepared and eaten we played several rounds of tug of war.  This was followed by square dancing.  Bro.Hahn was the caller.  The hoedown was so enjoyable it could have gone on longer.  After the dance, devotionals were given in each family followed by family prayer.  Lights out was 10:00 pm again.  We did have 4 youth that succumbed to heat. We had 2 that had intestinal problems but after they rested and were given some ice to cool down they seemed to improve..   Our priesthood once again performed sentry duty in two hour shifts.  This evening we had raccoon families and skunks.  Fortunately the only casualties were a few biscuit mixes.  The skunks were given the right of way and proceeded to go where they wanted to. It was a beautiful night even though we did hear rumblings of thunder during the day and evening.  All the families prepared for rain with huge tarps to provide shelter in case it was needed. What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures Bro & Sis Harp. It was a hard day and the pictures speak volumes.
